Tattoo Aftercare

Tattoo Aftercare
  1. Remove your bandage in a few hours. Wash your tattoo 2 to 3 times a day. Apply liquid anti-bacterial soap and use your fingertips to clean the tattoo. Do not use bar soap and do not use a sponge, wash rag, or loofah. Make your showers quick for the next week.
  2. After washing, pat your tattoo dry with a clean paper towel for 10 minutes. Allow it to air dry for another 10 minutes. Never usa a bath towel until it is completely healed.
  3. Use a tiny amount of AQUAPHOR 3 or 4 times a day. Rub the AQUAPHOR in as hard as you can stand it. Go back over your tattoo with a clean dry paper towel and pat any access AQUAPHOR off the skin.
  4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for 4 days. Your tattoo will peel like a sunburn and begin to itch. DO NOT pick or scratch at it (this could cause the color to fall out and leave light spots in the tattoo). Allow the peeling skin to fall off on its own. After the peeling has finished you may use any non-scented lotion for the next 10 days.

NO excess water or sun for at least 2 weeks.